Course Philosophy
Ph 8 is a lab course emphasizing the basics of electricity and magnetism and their practical applications.
There are three main objectives:
1. Learn how abstract electrical concepts become real electrical circuits, and gain an intuitive scientific knowledge you can us for creative research or engineering.
2. Become familiar with basic electronic technology, which is a mainstay of research labs and much of the everyday world.
3. Gain experience in solving real-world experimental problems, which, unlike textbook problems, are multifaceted, unpredictable, and open-ended.
There are three main objectives:
1. Learn how abstract electrical concepts become real electrical circuits, and gain an intuitive scientific knowledge you can us for creative research or engineering.
2. Become familiar with basic electronic technology, which is a mainstay of research labs and much of the everyday world.
3. Gain experience in solving real-world experimental problems, which, unlike textbook problems, are multifaceted, unpredictable, and open-ended.