In Ph 8b, you will:
Exp 1: Solder clips to your analog multimeter, measure the IV curves of an Ohmic resistor and a lightbulb, explain their difference
Exp 2: Build a voltage divider to measure the IV curves of an LED and battery, measure the internal resistance of a battery
Exp 3: Convert AC power from wall socket to DC power using back-to-back diodes (half-wave and bridge rectifiers). This is the first step in building your tunable DC power supply
Exp 4: Stabilize the DC output of your power supply using an LM317 integrated circuit (negative feedback)
Exp 5: Hack your analog voltmeter to measure large currents and voltages, measure the internal resistance of your power supply
Exp 6: Build circuit to measure the specific heat of a thermistor (ratio of input heat to temperature change)
Exp 7: Build circuit to measure time constants and stored energy in RC circuits
Quarter 1 Final Exam
In Ph 8c, you will:
Exp 9 (two weeks): Build an apparatus to measure the force between two current-carrying wires
Exp 10 (two weeks): Measure the current induced in one wire loop by a time-changed current in another wire loop, learn how to use an operational amplifier
Exp 11 (two weeks): 'Soup up' your power supply to output high voltages in excess of 1000V, demonstrate arc discharge in air
Exp 12 (two weeks): Build receiving and transmitting antennae, show existence of dipole radiation
Quarter 2 Final Exam
Exp 1: Solder clips to your analog multimeter, measure the IV curves of an Ohmic resistor and a lightbulb, explain their difference
Exp 2: Build a voltage divider to measure the IV curves of an LED and battery, measure the internal resistance of a battery
Exp 3: Convert AC power from wall socket to DC power using back-to-back diodes (half-wave and bridge rectifiers). This is the first step in building your tunable DC power supply
Exp 4: Stabilize the DC output of your power supply using an LM317 integrated circuit (negative feedback)
Exp 5: Hack your analog voltmeter to measure large currents and voltages, measure the internal resistance of your power supply
Exp 6: Build circuit to measure the specific heat of a thermistor (ratio of input heat to temperature change)
Exp 7: Build circuit to measure time constants and stored energy in RC circuits
Quarter 1 Final Exam
In Ph 8c, you will:
Exp 9 (two weeks): Build an apparatus to measure the force between two current-carrying wires
Exp 10 (two weeks): Measure the current induced in one wire loop by a time-changed current in another wire loop, learn how to use an operational amplifier
Exp 11 (two weeks): 'Soup up' your power supply to output high voltages in excess of 1000V, demonstrate arc discharge in air
Exp 12 (two weeks): Build receiving and transmitting antennae, show existence of dipole radiation
Quarter 2 Final Exam