INQNET team photo at SuperComputing18 in Denver, Colorado.
Neil Sinclair at SuperComputing18 giving a presentation on quantum teleportation
Joshua Job, Maria Spiropulu, Cristián Peña, Neil Sinclair, and Jean-Roch Vlimant (from left to right) at the INQNET booth during SuperComputing18 in Denver, Colorado
Yewon Gim, Si Xie, Joseph Lykken, Aaron Miller, and Neil Sinclair (from left to right) at Fermilab during the Quantum Opus demonstration
FQNET team in lab - Si Xie, Neil Sinclair, Cristián Peña, and Maria Spiropulu (from left to right).
Commissioning of the Alice experimental site and the Bell State Measurement Charlie experimental site - qubits and good fidelity for teleportation can be seen.